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Saturday, January 26, 2013
Towel Wrap Your Wet Strands Without Damage
Honestly. Who knew that there was a process of wrapping a towel around your head? I sure didn't. Well, until recently when I completely got sick and tired of my hair going all wonky with the way that I always wrapped up my wet strands after a shower. I figured that there has to be a better way to do it! It's been around for years and seriously, who doesn't towel wrap when they come out of the shower? Anyway, I made it my mission as of late, to find a a process that won't leave my hair kinked here, knotted there, soaked here and completely dry there. Seriously. Need I say it again... Who knew towel wrapping was such a process? Oh! And guess what? There was no googling to these tips! I learned them from a prestigious and professional hair stylist!
This was kind of a pet peeve of mine that I was very happy to get rid of. I was having to wash loads of towels simply because I used them so often for my hair, and unfortunately, the bigger the pillow, the larger the loads and the more laundry we have to do. Boring! Keep the body sized towels for your body. It makes sense, right? Instead, switch to a hand drying towel. If you're confused as to which ones these are, they are bigger than a face cloth, and smaller than a bathing towel. Simple enough, right?
Okay, again... I'm sure I'm not the only female with this problem. I hate having to do the flip. I mean, our hair is soaking wet, and we have to flip it in order to get it off of our back to wrap it up in the towel, which essentially sprays water all over the place.... Especially if you have extremely long hair like yours truly! With this salon perfected towel wrapping tip, you simply grab your strands and place the towel across your back and shoulders. No flipping. No water to clean up. No whiplash!
Now, take the left corner of the towel and bring it up to the center of your hairline at the front. Hold it there, and take the right corner and bring it up, again, to the front of your hairline. It should go past the other corner that you're currently holding, allowing you to tuck the right corner tightly under, in place. Lastly, bring the back up, with your hair neatly tucked inside of course, and tuck that under the same piece. That's it! Your hair isn't twisted, therefore, it's not damaging your strands!!
I don't know if it's just me, but the typical way of wrapping towel around my hair simply hasn't ever worked, nor do I believe it ever will. Therefore, these three towel wrapping hair tips should spruce up my locks while actually making them dry, without making them style in a weird, towel wrapped kind of way. Hey! Let me know if they work for you too! I can't be the only girl with this problem, right?
Photo Credit:
i might try this tip next time i wash my hair...thanks