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Monday, January 28, 2013

Making Room for your Clothes and Shoes


      Hi ladies, by reading the tittle of this blog some of you may be thinking “I need tips on how to fit everything in my closet!" Do not panic I have a few things up my sleeve on how make room for your clothes and shoes (finding room, doesn’t necessarily have to be in your closet).  Let me first start of by saying that if you have a walk in closet, girl you're very lucky, you have so much room to store things! Because who are we kidding? We women have so many things hanging/sitting in our closet that we forgot we have because one, we don't wear them too often; two, they don't fit us; and three because we simply get bored of them. Despite these three things we women barely ever like to clean out our closets (let's try to change that every now and then). Alright back to topic, here are the things you need to do to create more room.
Clean out your closet: Okay, we talked about this a bit already, but ladies if your clothes don’t fit you anymore give them away. Don't let something you don't wear take up space in your closet. Give them to charity (if they are in good condition) or to someone who you know will fit them.
Buy Boxes for Storage: Ladies, you can fit a box or two under your bed? And no I'm not talking about the typical cardboard boxes; I'm talking about special boxes that are meant to have things stored in them. I personally have two big plastic boxes under my bed, one has shoes, and the other one is filled with some of my summer clothing. You too can do this; you can arrange your clothing by the season. If it's summer you can store away some of your winter sweaters and jackets in the box(es) and bring out the shorts, skirts, dresses ect.
Shoe/ Clothes Drawers: Another thing I have used in the past is cloth drawers. These drawers take very little room in your closet and create more room for more clothes. All you need to do is hang it on the bar of your closet; they come with Velcro so they are super easy to hang. This is exactly the same case when it comes to the shoe drawers.

      Very well ladies, those are my few tips on how to make room for all your clothing and shoes. I honestly love shoes so keeping those boxes under my bed really does help. And the best part of these methods is that they all keep your clothes and shoes nice and organized.

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