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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Make This Your Best Summer Ever: Your 5 Challenges

compliments of

As we close the door to our last class of the semester, the steady beat of "summer's here...summer's here" echoes the hallways. And what a summer it's going to be! This is going to trump all the summers before; be the most epic of epic; the pinnacle of all summers! Readers, I have something fun planned for you! My challenge to you dear readers is to 

complete one, any, or all of the following challenges.

Don't forget, even if you are not able to accomplish the challenge, the journey is worth far more than the completion of it. The smiles, the laughter, the memories...these are the things that make life.

Now get your game face on and prepare yourself for a great summer!

Challenge 1: break a world record Ok ok ok. Don't get crazy. You don't have to be the most tattooed human body or grow the longest fingernails (is that even possible for 2 1/2 months?!). How about...

Fastest game of operation. The fastest game of operation was 21.87 seconds! INSANE!!! How close can you get? Upload some of your videos!!

Fastest time to eat a 12" pizza. The record holder for this challenge is 41.31 seconds. Makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it :) Upload a picture of your pizza sauce covered face.

Challenge 2: create a flash mob I've always wanted to be a part of a flash mob. How fun would it be to grab 20 of your friends and flash mob a local restaurant? Pick a fun song, maybe an easy to pick up or popular dance, and select a location. Make sure to capture this epic moment and upload it online!  

Challenge 3: plant a tree Enrich the world a little bit during your summer months :) Make sure that wherever you are planting this tree, that you've got the okay to do so.

Challenge 4: have a horror movie marathon I am an absolute pansy when it comes to scary movies but what better way to watch scary movies than with your best buds? All the screams and hiding under the covers...just thinking about it makes the hair on the back of neck stand up. EEK!

Challenge 5: play the mustache game My friend uploaded their summer of playing the mustache game and it looked absolutely fun. Basically you draw a mustache on the side of a finger and when you see someone with an epic mustache, you covertly stand near them, raise your finger below your nose so it looks like you have a 'stache and have a friend snap a picture. Upload your pictures to amass an army of epic mustaches of summer 2014!

My hope is that these enrich your summer and create some awesome memories.

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