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Friday, December 13, 2013

Shellac Nails

Hello ladies, I hope you have all had a wonderful week. With school over and Christmas around the corner, it is definitely the best time of the year. For today's blog I want to talk about Shellac nails, this nail trend is so in right now, and I’ve heard so many women talk about how wonderful this type of manicure is, so I though, I need to check it out for myself. Anyways, let's take a further look into what all the fuss is about.

So what is it? Shellac is a type of nail polish that lasts up to three weeks! Yes, you can do dishes, clean, go swimming, cook, ect, ect,  without having to worry about your nails chipping. Its wonderful, and very convenient for most women.

Advantages: Okay, besides not having to do your nails for weeks, it also helps strengthen them. Now that is a bargain! It keeps your nails strong, which mean you don’t have to worry about investing in other products to help you strengthen your nails.

Where is this Polish Available? Well ladies, you can get your nails done at the salon and ask for the shellac manicure. The shellac mani is very similar to having acrylic nails, as they both keep the nails looking strong, durable, and beautiful. The major difference however is that the Shellac polish is applied to your actual nail. This nail Polish is also available on many cosmetic websites. I suggest you check this product out. On top of it all, these pushes are very reasonable in price.

Alright ladies, that concludes today's blog. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy this holiday season and go out there and have fun doing your X-mas shopping; heyyy, maybe you can get the shellac polish for someone, or add it to your wish list, hahahah. Have a good one.
Photo Citation: Pam. "Shellac nail Treatment."Imperfectwomen.9 April 2011. 13 December 2013.

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