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Friday, October 11, 2013

Soft and Kissable Lips


           Happy Friday Ladies, I hope you all had a stupendous week. I’m super excited for the weekend. It’s Canadian Thanksgiving, which means most of us get an extra day of rest, asides from eating good food! Anyways, what I really want to talk about to is how to make your lips look luscious, and feel great. Let’s take a further look. 

Moisturize: Okay First thing is first, you never ever want to apply lipstick on dry lips, it’s not pretty, and it looks, to be honest, a little gross. So ladies always moisturize, especially now that the cold months are before us. 

Purchasing Product: So what it next? Well selecting a brand of lipstick. When you purchase a lipstick you want it to be long lasting, and none sticky!!! I hate sticky lipstick, and believe me your boyfriend or husband won’t like it either. So, what do I suggest? Stick to what you know, or consult with a person that works there, and ask him or her about the product. In fact ask if you can sample the lipstick. Wear it for a while and then decide, was it stick, and long lasting? If it was not sticky and it lasted a long time, got back to the store and buy it.

Liner: Okay, here is another idea you can try out. Use lip liner as lipstick. This is convenient for women who want to find a particular color but can only find it in the liner. On the other hand, believe it or not, there are women that actually prefer to use liner because they like the texture of it better. I don’t know if it’s happened to any of you, but sometimes lipsticks cause the lips to peel, and it doesn’t look good. Furthermore, some women believe they can achieve a great matte lip by painting their entire lip with the liner. 

Lipstick Remover: Alright, there has been all this talk about long lasting lipstick, but what if you don’t want a lipstick to last 24 hours? What if you want to change lip color? I had wondered the same thing, until someone told me that I could use Vaseline! Oh the wonder of Vaseline ( I should do a blog about that ), anyways all you need to do is apply some Vaseline to your lips, make sure you put on a reasonable amount, leave it on for a little while, and then remove your lipstick with a cotton pad. In adding Vaseline, you’re also moisturizing your lips, so this is a good thing to do. 

         Okay friends. That is all I have for you today. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and to all our Canadian readers, have a wonderful thanksgiving. Enjoy turkey eating, nom nom nom nom.   

Photo Citation: Aguilar, Christine. "The Horoscope Lipstick Trend This Summer And Tip For Healthy and beautiful Lips."shelookbook. 201. 11 October 20313. Web.

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