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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Start 2013 Off With Fab Hair

The new year is here! Ahhhh! Can you believe it? I know that I hardly can! And just as fast as 2012 ended, the immediate desire to rejuvenate our look began. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not hating on everyone's New Years Eve revolutions, or their need to want to update their looks in any way, shape or form. I am hating on the fact that people feel that it takes January 1st to arrive in order to take better care of themselves. Now, I know. It's always easier to start over when the year, essentially starts over. However, you should really treat yourself amazingly no matter the date that reads on the calendar. To each their own, I guess, right? Whether you are just starting to take better care of your hair, or are always on the hunt for new tricks of the trade, these hair tips will certainly get your 2013 started off fabulously. 

This hair tip is all choosing the best products to get the most out of them. No. I'm not advising that you go out and purchase a gallon of hair conditioner... Well, unless it's packed with mineral and vitamins that your hair is needing. Since you always want your locks to look their best, don't just get basic shampoo and conditioner, and then opt for specialized moisture oils later. Instead, choose a shampoo and conditioner that already has repair therapy included in it to help deter any damage from ever happening. It's a pretty good way to start off the year, right? Prevention is key! Isn't that what they say?

There's this theory going around the hairy interweb that states if your hair is shoulder length or longer, it's been on your head for approximately 4 years. How fascinating is that? It kind of creeps me out, actually, but gross or not, you truly can't blame your hair for splitting at the ends and lacking in the glam department, now can you? Never underestimate the power of serums and shine sprays to add a little sparkle to your locks! Just be careful with the serum because too much can give you the greasy look, and not the glam one you want. 

I was totally one of those girls that didn't over think the hair brush that I used. I literally wandered into a store and grabbed whatever one I came across that was pink and that captured my attention. I kid you not. Now, if you're like me, you'll be totally flabbergasted to know that there are a variety of hair brushes that offer different things. There are some for curly hair, some for thick, some for fine and some for dry. There are some brushes for styling, some brushes for straightening, some for curling and some for volumizing. I kind of sound like a Dr. Seuss book, don't I? Take your time and sharpen up on your hair brush knowledge to get the best looks possible!


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