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Monday, November 26, 2012

Ideas for Winter Dates



        Have you noticed that during the winter months you can't do as many outside activities compared to the summer? And sometimes you think “my boyfriend/ husband and I always just end up going to the movies and grabbing dinner? Don't get me wrong going to the movies and grabbing dinner is enjoyable, but it most defiantly gets repetitive! So how about trying a couple of new things during these winter months!
Ice skating: Going ice skating is not only fun but its very enjoyable in good company. There is music playing and you are bound to have a good time. If you have never ice skated before it may be a little tricky and I would suggest taking it one step at a time. You might not get the hang of it right away, but if you liked it and decide to go again you will for sure pick up on it. When going ice skating I would suggest to wear warm clothing. ( I usually like wearing a cozy sweater and gloves; I find that wearing a jacket is a little uncomfortable)
VanDusen Garden/ Stanley park
: during this time of year both of these parks have beautiful Christmas decorations, they are definitely worth to check out. It's quiet pretty for a date, and there are many places in where to take pictures. Riding the train at night in Stanley Park with your significant other is very very very romantic. At VanDusen garden I believe you have to pay to get in, and I can't quiet remember how much (I think about $10-15) , but believe me it is worth it. Now if you end up going to any of these two destinations make sure dress really warm, because it does get quiet cold at these locations, especially because its night time.
Going Up to the Mountain: Do you like snowboarding or skiing? I myself can't say I do, it’s not something I have tried (I’m a big chicken when it comes to these things), but if you're the type of person that enjoys these winter activities, get other with your partner and have some fun. If you're like me however don't miss out on going up to the mountain; rent out a sled and go down it together. You're only young once, so go out there and try it! I guarantee you will both have fun.
        Very well, I hope you found these activities enlightening and that you and your boyfriend/ husband get a chance to try them. Remember it's always good to try something out of the routine, it keeps the relationship interesting.


  1. Ice skating is my favourite! Great ideas here.

  2. I love going to Stanley Park in the Winter!!

  3. My family an I just went Ice skating on Sunday ,we had so much fun.

  4. It's almost December! I'll start gearing up for the winter! Thanks for commenting everyone :).
