Stuck in a fashion rut? Need a little inspiration? Don’t fret! We have a list of movies that will be sure to get you out of that rut and out turning heads in no time!
1.) Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961):

This timeless classic starring Audrey Hepburn is
packed with glamour and elegance. From Hepburn’s
iconic black dress to her flawless white sleeveless
number, this movie is the epitome of all things
2.) The Notebook (2004):

Aside from being one of the greatest love stories of
our time, this Nicholas Sparks classic showcases fashion
from one of the most fascinating decades, the 40′s. A
lot of fashion in this movie can be worn today for that
vintage feel. For example; Rachel McAdam’s polka-dotted
red dress is definitley something that can be worn today
without looking too outdated.
3.) Marie Antoinette (2006):

Big hair, big dresses, big bows and big ruffles! What
more can you ask for? This movie is not only the telling
of France’s iconic but ill-fated queen, it is also a flashback
into a decade of the over the top glam and fashion we
have come to love today.
4.) The Devil Wears Prada (2006):

Are you really surprised? This movie is centered around
high end fashion and classic couture. Watching this movie
makes me want to go to the mall and purchase every piece
of high end couture I can find. Then i quickly slip back into
reality and realize that this is simply not possible. However,
living vicariously through this movie shall suffice, for now.
5.) Clueless (1995):

This movie is the embodiment of 90′s fashion. Now, I am
a 90′s kid and from what i remember, the fashion was all
over the place. You had midriff shirts, baggy shorts and
clashing colors everywhere. This movie did 90′s fashion in
a classy way. Claire’s outfits were super cute and sweet and
showcased her preppy stereotype.
6.) Sex and the City (2008):

Sex and the City is hands down one of the most influential
shows ever created when it comes to fashion. The movie
was no different. 145 minutes of pure fashion lust. The
perfect movie to watch when you want to feel like a super
glam socialite but can’t afford to actually dress like one.
7.) 500 Days of Summer (2009):

Zooey Deschanel’s character stole not only her costar’s
attention, but also the attention of fashion lovers everywhere.
Her quirky, slightly 40s, slightly indie, feminine style is a
refreshing take on modern movie wardrobes.
8.) Pocahontas (1995):

Believe it or not, a lot of modern day fashion trends are
inspired from this movie. Think about it; feather earrings,
feather extensions, moccasins and tribal prints. Thank
you Pocahontas for making it acceptable to wear feathers
on my ears. How can i ever thank you?
9.) Wall street: Money never sleeps (2010):

This one is for you men out there. While this movie is really
heavy on suits, the way they were done in this film is truly
unique. Shia Labeouf’s character is always dressed sharp
in dark suits with slick backed hair while Michael Douglas’s
character wears his suits in a more laid back and casual fashion.
I suggest this movie for those “suit and tie” men that want to
add a little twist to their wardrobe.
10.) Coco Avant Chanel (2009):

This movie will not only give you some insight into the
incredible life of the legendary Coco Chanel, but it will also
inspire you to be a little daring with your wardrobe choices.
It will inspire you to experiment and be original. If you have
not yet seen this film, i highly recommend you watch it
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